What is a system of systems?
– A system of systems (SoS) refers to a collection of individual systems that work together to achieve a common goal. Managing complexity in an SoS is a significant challenge because it involves coordinating the interactions among the component systems, which can exhibit diverse behaviors and requirements. The presentation gave an introductory look at Polarion’s ”System of Systems” template (freely available here: Polarion Extensions ) and how it can help manage your product development.
What’s your key takeaways from your presentation?
– My track was about system of systems, how you can reuse systems in a bigger context, how you can manage versions and configurations of systems and how to keep more control over this whole idea of system of systems.
What’s the value?
– So basically it increases control over your development process. A system or to be more precise a system version is often described by a variety of documents which highlight different aspects of a system. The system of systems template allows you to group and organize all these different documents and information. It allows you to easily reuse a system and its related specification sets. You can manage different versions of a system in parallel and you know where a system or a group of systems was reused. This is especially important when you have changes or defects coming in. If a system fails, you understand what other systems might be affected by that problem and you can plan accordingly .

What industries are best suited for system of systems?
– I think it’s not industry specific. It’s more like, do I have a project business in which each project is different, or do I have a product business where you build similar products, and a lot of components can be reused. If the answer is product business, then I believe it’s just natural to think about the idea of a modular approach. Instead of building the same solution again and again you try to organize a system in reusable components to save time and improve quality.
What would you say to someone, who doesn’t know about Polarion and its possibilities?
– I would say if you want to gain more control over your development, you need to ensure that everybody in the team has access to the information he needs to get his job done. It sounds simple but very often information in projects is distributed all over the place and it’s hard to find the correct information and the right person to talk to. If that sounds familiar to you then a lifecycle solution like Polarion can definitely help you.
What are the top trends that make the Polarion solution topical?
– The top trend, I think is cyber security, since software is everywhere, you need to have more control. Especially control over the risk, if you have no control over how you develop your software, it’s risky. Because it can have a lot of entry points for hackers, you must have control over it. I think it’s one of the key areas where Polarion will play a very big role in the future.
What are the benefits of Polarion for businesses?
– I would say the immediate benefit, if you come from a Word approach, using Microsoft Office and documents, is that you have better control over what’s happening. So that’s the first thing, you really see life and what’s the status of my project? And the other benefit is that you bring the people closer together because they have one place where they can collaborate, and where teams can exchange ideas.
– And you find it much faster if something is not working in a good way because the people can now see what the other guy has done. And if I write my test case for a requirement and I immediately can see the requirement, and I can even see who has created it and I can just talk to the guy or write a comment. Communication is faster instead of writing emails.
How do the Nordic countries stand out?
– I don’t believe there is any difference, the challenges are the same everywhere. I think it’s more related to the business area you are in. If you are a software shop or in the automotive or the medical area, the challenges are the same to some extent, but some are different. For example, the medical area is much more regulated, but this is overall in Europe, so they all have the same challenges. So I don’t see any difference.
What would you say is the meaning of Taipuva Polarion Days and the strong ecosystem in the Nordic around the Polarion solution?
– I think the great thing about this event is that you bring so many different companies together. And you see how other people solve maybe a similar problem that you have. So you can learn from their experience, from their failures, and also from their approaches how to solve specific problems. So I think that’s the great thing about it, we’ve seen so many different ways how to solve problems.
– After the speech or after the talk, you can grab that guy, speak with him, and exchange your ideas, to get immediate feedback. That, I think is the biggest benefit.

Why should one attend an annual conference, if you have never heard about the Polarion solution before?
– If you want to get a good overview of Polarion, how it works, and its value, I think it’s great to visit this conference because you have in a short time a good overview of how it can be used and what’s the value in it,hearing it directly from the customers.
What is your recipe for an organization to get successful with Polarion, and make full use of an expert partner like Taipuva?
– I think having a partner who assists you, make your journey so much easier because you don’t have to fail where others have failed before, and Taipuva knows exactly these challenges that come to you. Not so much maybe in how to configure the tool, but also what is a good process. What is a good way to start? You need guidance. It’s like everything you do when you have somebody who has done it already 10 times. It’s good to have that guy assisting you along the way, and that’s where Taipuva brings in their many years of experience.
How would you describe your journey together with Taipuva?
– I think Taipuva are just great guys. So it’s just fun to work with them. It’s fun to collaborate with them and just hear what the customers say here today. They are all happy about the assistance they have, and that’s the best feedback you can get as a consulting company.
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